Who We Are

The biophilia hypothesis suggests that humans possess an innate tendency to connect with nature and other forms of life. Our mission at Cappucci Design is to create inspired environments for both residential and commercial spaces. We take the beauty and character that is already present in your space and transform it into something extraordinary.

An on site visit is the first step in the process. During the visit we’ll asses your lighting and other environmental conditions and talk through your ideas and vision for the space. Next, is a proposal, and in final, installation/maintenance. We have over 100 clients ranging from corporate offices, to private residences, to businesses, model homes, and even resorts. We are here to make your vision a reality.

Jacqui Cappucci, owner and CEO of Cappucci Design has been in the plantscape/floral industry for over 20 years. Her work started in Pasadena, California back in 1985; creating beautiful works of art in hotels and restaurants while starting a family. After moving to the Reno area in 2000 she built her own business in interior/exterior plantscaping and has been flourishing ever since.